Date: 28th October 2017 Time: 8.30 pm Venue: mm Cineplexes Prai, Butterworth



Jazzy Pictures second distributed film – “The Empty Hands” had a meet and greet on October 28, 2017 (Saturday) at mm Cineplexes Prai, Butterworth at 8:30 PM. From the support from few local artist, which include, Steve Yap, Jacky Kam, Joey Leong, and more. Chapman To is set to grace Malaysian media and discuss his new film “The Empty Hands”.   The meet and greet had pushed in a large crowd of people in and it was out of our expectation. Chapman To eventually talked about his character in the movie, “The Empty Hands”, as Chan Keung and his experience as the director as well. He highlighted that it was a chaos to direct movie in Hong Kong. In the process of the movie, he had to use quite a number of stunt man. During the Q & A session, Chapman To was questioned “ Why should people watch “The Empty Hands”? “and he answered “because it was filmed by him”. He brought in a joke as well saying that, the title “The Empty Hands” is named in Chinese and the English title was Google translated. He even thanked Google before he left. “The Empty Hands” is an upcoming martial arts-themed film that led by the renowned actress, Stephy Tang. “The Empty Hands” tells the story of a young girl – Mari Hirakawa whose only wish is to sell her father’s karate dojo when he dies, but discovers that the business was left to one of his worst pupils. The cause of her father’s death and break up with her love one has made her felt hopeless and had depression. She met Chan Keung, his father’s worst pupil and he make her stands up and challenge herself by continue Karate again. The film has raised the concern and attention of the public even when the movie has not been release yet. The director of the movie, Chapman To is also serves as co-screenwriter, co-producer as well as staring in the film. Apart from these heavy responsibility, he even serves as a material arts director in “The Empty Hands”.  Stephy Tang, the main actress in the movie had trained with Stephen Au in martial arts, including both karate and Muay Thai in order to be prepared for the lead role. Tang had accepted few months of tough training since she had to handle a lot of fighting scene in this movie but she enjoyed the experience so much she wants to continue learning martial arts after shooting the film. In addition, Chapman also invited Stephen Au, the Hong Kong Karate Contest Champion for his movie. Yasuaki Kurata, the famous Japanese Martial Arts Master has also starring in “The Empty Hands”. He is not only an outstanding actor for action movies, Kurata is Chapman’s Karate Master as well. Distributed by Jazzy Pictures, “The Empty Hands” will be releasing on November 9, 2017 (Thursday) at the specified cinemas. For more information, please visit Jazzy Pictures’s official Facebook page or email to for more details.


在艰弥厉  119日与你战斗到底!

Jazz Pictures 荣誉发行,由杜汶泽自编自导自演,与邓丽欣、仓田保昭、欧锦棠合力主演的电影《空手道》铁定于11月9日上映!此外,导演杜汶泽本尊也在今日10月28日(星期六)晚上8时30分正亮相于Cineplexes Prai, Butterworth 举行的影迷见面会与记者招待会!除此之外,本地艺人包括叶良财,甘家旗,梁祖仪等等纷纷出席支持此盛会。 影迷见面会进行时y Hands>将吸引了大批人潮,人数远远超出预想。导演杜汶泽在记者招待会进行时,与大家分享自己在《空手道》中饰演的角色 – 陈强。不仅如此,他也慷慨地分享了自己作为导演的拍摄经验和遇到的种种困难。他向大家透露了自己在这部电影都使用替身以达到最完美的效果。导演杜汶泽被提问“为什么大家要买戏票支持《空手道》这部电影呢”?他机智地回答“因为我是这部电影的导演”。不仅如此,他还幽默地解释说《空手道》的英文名字 <The Empty Hands> 是用谷歌翻译软件得来的。导演的“杜氏”幽默感让全场都笑声不断,洋溢着轻松的气氛。 《空手道》是一部自我挑战的励志片,讲述由邓丽欣饰演的平川真理是一名土生土长的港日混血儿,因同时经历了父亲去世及感情的失败让她对人生失去了方向。在她一蹶不起的期间里遇见了由杜汶泽饰演的刑犯陈强,通过激将法和严厉的训练下,平川真理决定重拾弃置多年的空手道袍,再度挑战自己。这部电影尚未开播就已经引发大众的热切关注。 除了再次当上导演,还集监制、编剧、主演于一身的杜汶泽,在戏中更首次兼任武术指导之一。他拥有空手道黑带,电影中亦有多次霸气表演,令人期待。以搞笑打出名堂的杜汶泽这次却选择不再搞笑,反而担起大任执导这部严肃的题材。他觉得自己无力再去创作令人发笑的故事,于是着手创作《空手道》,希望用电影去表达自己所想。他亦希望可以通过平川真理这个角色去让观众得到启发,透过训练而寻找到自己,重新奠定自我价值。 饰演平川真理的邓丽欣为了这部电影算是吃尽苦头,颠覆了过往青春甜心的形象。她尝试挑战动作极限,电影中打斗场面众多,邓丽欣突破性的演出成为整部电影的亮点。此外,杜汶泽更是邀请到香港空手道擂台比赛冠军 – 欧锦棠来饰演“哑狗”一角。电影中饰演平川真理的爸爸 – 仓田保昭现实中是位日本著名武术大师以及动作片演员。这位绝世高手亦是导演杜汶泽的空手道师父,这次两师徒一同上阵,必定能为观众带来惊艳演出。 由Jazzy Pictures荣誉发行的第二部电影《空手道》也将会定档2017年11月9日在马来西亚指定电影院隆重上映,要你一起体验《空手道》!欲知更多资讯,请浏览Jazzy Pictures的官方面子书或电邮至 jazzypictures1600@gmail.com询问更多详情。